We are


  • Innovative dashboard for reading market data with monthly update
  • Available for Stethos Monitors (DPM & TMM) in specialized therapeutic areas (MS, Bio Drug, Schizophrenia, Depression, Heart Failure, Ophthalmology, Oncology)
  • Also developable for monitoring your market, Ad-hoc
  • Intuitive and easy to use


  • Our company created to develop Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning systems for advanced and modern analysis of your market data
  • Services and consulting for innovative data management
  • Forcasting and predictive models to help you with strategic decisions
  • Targeting and segmentation to optimize your customer engagement

STETHOS Social Lab

  • New activity dedicated to the analysis of “patient centricity” and its challenges
  • Hybridization of study tools (qualitative / quantitative studies, published data, images, videos…) and analysis of the web and social networks (social listening)
  • Assessment of the quality of life of patients, their expectations and needs mirrored with all the players (health professionals, associations, laboratories ...)
  • ...

Creation of Karapace

  • Third-party company that performs complete anonymization of data
  • Constitution of patient panels containing sensitive information
  • CNIL (National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties) + Medical Association validation


A unique way of collecting data among pharmacists.

Stethos develops other innovative approaches

  • First to use internet for quantitative studies
  • Smartphone questionnaires
  • Trade-off software
  • ...